Pin Your Interest !


Facebook is leaned towards developing content, Twitter is leaned toward the freedom of expressing our thoughts in shorter sentences, Instagram is leaned toward catching up with our friends through pictures and Pinterest is leaned toward catching up with our creative and artistic side.  Pinterest can spark our creativity side in terms of needing ideas for any sort of event or even spark our creative work as an artist, but it can also be used for non-artistic people alike. Here are the following tips on how to use Pinterest for educational and marketing purposes.

Educational Purposes  


Surprisingly,  Pinterest can be used as a tool for lesson planning for example, in this article Pinterest: A Tool for Lesson Planning, “Pinterest is in essence, a way of bookmarking, or ‘pinning,’ items that you want to come back to in the future. Instead of having one long list of bookmarks, like those that most Internet browsers provide, Pinterest lets you create boards and pin to those boards.” 

This article goes on to how pinterest has a search function where one can search ideas for free such as ways of making the class material engaging,  finding the most-up-to-date information,  and collaborating with other teachers. For a more in-depth content in ways to engage students in this modern age, the following article Teaching for Engagement: Part 2: Technology in the Service of Active Learning, provides the necessary tips.

Marketing Guide 


Pinterest, as one can tell, isn’t only used for crafts and recipes but also for fashion, art, health ideas as well as tips. When one clicks on the image it also leads to either a blog or link that has further resources. Small businesses can benifit greatly in using Pinterest because according to this article, Pinning Happiness: Affect, Social Media, and the Work of Mothers  “is a social network that thrives off and capitalizes on the contribution of happy packets and the free labor of promoting ‘a few (million) of your favorite things.’ Thus, what so often circulates across the affective networks of Pinterest is happiness, or rather the promise of happiness.” The following article is literally A Step-by-Step Guide to Pinterest Marketing.




One Comment Add yours

  1. ritajuliano says:

    I enjoyed reading about Pinterest. My topic was Instagram so checking out your articles was great. I liked the fact that you connected it to something so important like a lesson plan. I didn’t think that teachers might go to social media to inspire them. Thinking about it more anyone can pull ideas from Pinterest. I think Pinterest is definitely a go to place for ideas. I think that this is their biggest pull for users, is that so many people use it for ideas in the work place.


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